Search Results for “raw protein diet”

Showing 41-50 of 458

December 05, 2018

Article: Grain-free diets are “market-driven fads” with no proven link to dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs

Who knew eating peas could be trendy? Last July, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it was investigating a potential link between heart disease in dogs and the consumption of grain-free pet food.That announcement set off a firestorm of confusion and (often) misinformed debate among those who advocate for unconventional diets such as grain free, raw, home prepared, vegetarian, and boutique commercial pet foods.

August 31, 2016

Sponsored: Comprehensive, targeted relief helps you stay ahead of every GI issue

While common, gastrointestinal disorders can be complex and encompass a wide range of acute and chronic disease conditions. Food therapy is a cornerstone in managing these cases. Choosing the right food that is tailored to each condition is essential. The four formulas within the Hill’s® Prescription Diet® i/d® Digestive Care canine portfolio each have a specific function and role, and as a group provide nutritional solutions for almost any GI disease or disorder.

February 23, 2016

Dieting felines don’t hold a grudge

If you’ve ever been on a diet, you know it can make you cranky. Is the same true for our feline friends? Not necessarily, a recent study suggests. Researchers from Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine put felines on diets to see how much weight they would lose and if their behavior would change while dieting. All the cats lost weight. And although the dieting cats displayed behaviors such as begging prior to being fed, they also displayed more affection after they ate.The study was published in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior on Nov. 30, 2015.

October 31, 2018

Feline diabetes mellitus—The disease

What is feline diabetes mellitus? Diabetes mellitus is a complex, fairly common disease, in which a cat’s system either doesn’t produce sufficient insulin, or has insulin resistance. During digestion, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins that are consumed as part of the diet are broken down into smaller nutrients that are utilized by the cells in the body during metabolism.

Mature Adult and Senior Cats

Mature adult and senior cats have changing dietary needs, and it is extremely important to provide guidance on daily feeding amounts. DER for mature adult cats (aged 7–10 years) may be equivalent to RER, although adjustments should be made based on the needs of the individual patient. For senior cats (greater than 10 years of age), the RER will need to be multiplied by a factor of 10–20%, and in some cases as high as 25%. 101

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